First-Ever DA Color DAsh "Yuge" Success!
From the fun had to the funds raised, the school's first-ever Color DAsh was a hit!
DAA, the school's parent association, hosted the event for all Lower School students on Friday, Oct. 21. (This event is replacing the school's annual Bear Tracks walk-a-thon.) It's estimated that when everything is tallied, the fundraising event will bring in well more than $25,000 for the school. Teachers, parents, and even grandparents were in on the fun as students took laps around the school's track at the football stadium, running through four different color "stations" and getting gleefully covered in paint chalk. At the end of their laps, each grade had their own "color toss" with extra dustings for even more colored coverage!
The cooler temps added to the pleasure of the day, as well. Students enjoyed a picnic lunch on the field

of grilled hamburgers, chips, and the school's famous chocolate chip cookies prepared by the food service staff. The day concluded with a student/teacher "color war" in the front field, followed by a "glow party" complete with crafting with glow sticks and dancing with DJ Johnny for the top "sales" folks.. Everyone is already looking forward to next year's DAsh!