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Our students have a myriad of opportunities
to travel and explore areas near them, around our country,
and around the world.
Preschool: Area Field Trips
Grade 1: Family Field Trip to St. Louis, MO (in early May, follow-up to curriculum study of Western explorers Lewis & Clark)
Grade 2: Chattanooga (day trip)
Grade 3: Huntsville, AL (day trip)
Grade 4: Nashville-area trips (coordinates with year-long study of Tennessee history, includes serving as docents at The Hermitage)
Grade 5: Nature's Classroom, Mentone, AL (early fall; a three-day, two-night excursion to an outdoor science camp)
Grade 6: Disney World (mid-May; a celebration of "graduation" from the Lower School and an experience in learning a bit of independence for the transition to Upper School; fully chaperoned by school staff)
Grade 7: Mammoth Cave, KY (day trip)
Grade 8: Washington, D.C.
Grades 9: Student Leadership University 101, FL
Grades 9-12: International Trip (Spring Break, typically)
Grades 9-12: Costa Rica (June) with missions emphasis
Grade 11: New York City
Grade 12: Seniors' Choice
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