DA DECA wants YOU to win some cash*! On Wednesday, December 20, you can do just that. Get a team and sign up for the second annual "Holly Jolly Volleyball Tournament for Charity." The first place team will win $250, second place $150, and third place $100. Get into the Christmas spirit students and adults.
We had a great turnout last year and lots of fun. In addition, we raised $2,500 for charity! This year, our charity is the Special Needs Sports Foundation, Inc., a local nonprofit serving children and adults with mental/physical or other developmental delays through sports outreach and support. They serve over 120 families in four counties of Middle Tennessee. Our goal is to donate $3,000 to this very worthy cause.
Register your team today! The first twelve teams to register get a first round bye.
For more information, contact Alex Marzano. Register early as we only have spots for 20 teams.
*Current TSSAA rules prohibit current athletes from receiving cash payment for their sport.