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Interests, Talents, & Gifts

DA offers a more balanced education. We are distinctly Christian, but open our doors to students of all faiths. We innovate with technology, but prioritize oration. We value the competiveness of athletics, but embrace the beauty of art. Through this better balance, our students find what ultimately makes them them.
Thanks to teacher-mentor-coaches who opened their minds and challenged their self-imposed limits, Bears are thriving on college campuses around the country. Whether at MIT, Pepperdine, or the hundreds of schools in between, DA alumni--many of whom earn merit scholarships to college--are leading inside and outside the classroom.
School Activities
From arts, to athletics, to academic competitions, we offer students a variety of extracurricular and competitive activities for Grades 5 and up.

Math contests, missions and service projects, baseball, cheer, vocal groups, band, dance, football, theatre, volleyball, golf, cross country, soccer -- just to name a few!

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