Extended Care

The Extended Day program provides adult supervision for Lower School students, Grades preK-6, before and after school, and is designed for both full-time and hourly use. Each afternoon includes time for homework, snacks, outdoor play, and crafts.
Davidson Academy respects the school-age child's freedom to control this portion of his or her day. Child-directed choice allows children to spend time in a less structured environment doing the things they enjoy. It is an important aspect of school-age care.
Children play outside each day unless it is extremely cold (below 34 degrees) or rainy. Children should come to school dressed appropriately.
Study hall is open each day for children to work on homework assignments. Extended Day staff remind and encourage children to work on assignments. However, it is not possible for all children to use this time doing homework. Usually, it is more successful for families to determine homework policies and enforce them. Outside play cannot be withheld for homework purposes.
It is our policy that children do not bring toys to Extended Care.
Extended Day hours of operation are 6:15 a.m.-7:30 a.m. (at which time students are dismissed) on regular school days. On Thursdays, Extended Day opens at 6:15 a.m. and will remain open until 8:30 a.m. The Lower School building will be unlocked at 6:15 a.m. All children arriving prior to 7:30 a.m. must be signed in by their parent.
There is a registration fee of $70 per year. Students may register for full-time care at $48 per week. Part-time fees are $3 per morning, $7 per hour in the evening with a maximum of $21 per day. A late fee of $5 per minute after 6 p.m. per child will be charged. An afternoon snack will be provided for extended care students, or students may wish to bring a snack.
Holiday Care registration is offered for all students two weeks prior to each school holiday.
Academy Arts
For your convenience, DA offers dance, piano, and vocal instruction on-site through our Academy Arts program. Dance offers professional instruction in ballet, tap, and jazz after school for students ages 3 and up. Private piano and voice lessons are offered at a time convenient for the student, either before or after school, or at a time during a student's school day schedule that is open.