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Davidson Academy offers strong and rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum. Our students score in the top percentiles of standardized testing, including the more rigorous Stanford 10, which is used to access our Lower School students' achievements.
* Smaller Class Sizes. Average Class size in the Lower School is 18:1. Average class size in core subjects in the Upper School is 15:1
* Individual student use of iPads in Grades 5-12; iPad carts are used in preschool-grade 3; students in Grade 4 are using Microsoft Surface devices in a pilot program.
* Learning Lab for Upper School students allows allotted time for indivdual help from teachers twice a week.
* More than 40% of faculty hold advanced degrees
* Students in Grades 6 and up compete in a variety of academic contests, including math, Latin, and Quiz Bowl
* Advanced Placement courses offered include: European History, U.S. History, Physics 1 & 2, Calculus AB and BC, English Composition, English Literature, Latin, Government, and Human Geography
* Class of 2015: 11 AP Scholars
Also, as an interdenominational school, we have both faculty and students from a variety of Christian churches--more than 50 different churches and 20 different denominations--giving us a unique environment in which to openly discuss what we have in common and be respectful of others in different expressions of that same faith. We are also a missional school, meaning that we are open to students of other faith backgrounds
or no faith background at all, but standing unapologetically on the
truth of God's Word as found in the person of Jesus Christ.

Where Does a DA Diploma Lead?

Many seniors are accepted to their first-choice college or university; 100% are accepted.
The Class of 2015 averaged $129,000 in scholarship offers, a total of $7.5 million, a school record.
Alumni are serving in successful and rewarding careers here and around the world: a pediatric allergist in Chicago, an orphanage administrator in Ukraine, a teacher of nursing skills in Peru, a software engineer for
Amazon in Seattle.
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