Upper School

Fall Show - casts 5-15 students and auditions are open to the entire student body.
Usually either a classic or contemporary straight play (no music), i.e. Shakespearean, Tennessee Williams, or a new work written within the last 10 years. (The selection depends on what the rest of the season contains.)
Children's Show - casts 5-15 students primarily from the Theatre I, II, III, and IV classes, but possibly open auditions for some roles. This show may travel to other schools or children's hospitals to perform, as well as doing productions on campus at both the Lower and Upper schools. This is always a fun, family-friendly event.
One-Act Plays or Short-Plays - cast primarily from the Theatre I, II, III, and IV classes, but possibly open auditions for some roles. This play(s) concentrates on the performance, not the scenery. Done usually in a minimalist style, i.e. simple set, monochromatic or basic costumes, little lighting and sound.
Musical - (done in conjunction with the Choral and Band Departments) Always the biggest production of the year. Open to the entire student body. Casts 15-30 students, plus 5-10 technical positions available. Includes the full spectacle of the theatre. With live music provided by our band and choral students, major emphasis is put on lighting and sound effects. Sets are provided by help from the Friends of the Arts (our parent group) and/or our arts students. Productions in recent years have included: Les Miserable; Aida; Cats; Seussical, the Musical; and You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
The Theatre Arts Department produces at least three productions a year.
Lower School
Introduction to the performing arts starts here as early as preschool with a school-wide "Generation Celebration" spring performance for grandparents, parents, neighbors and special friends. Additional training includes Veterans Day, Christmas programs, and grade-level actitivies, such as the fourth grade "Tennessee Play."
Drama Kids: A special after-school program for students in Grades 1-6.