
Classroom Volunteers
There are several ways in which you can volunteer at Davidson Academy. Whether you're a parent, grandparent, or alumni parent, your presence and
willingness to volunteer is a blessing to our school!
In the Lower School, help is always needed in the teacher workroom to assist with making copies, filing, etc. There are also opportunities for assisting
with classroom parties and field trips.
Any of our school's booster organizations are always grateful for involvement, too. Whether you can help regularly or occasionally as your schedule allows, you are needed!
Davidson Academy Fund Volunteers
In addition, you might consider volunteering to help with the school's Davidson Academy Fund campaign. Here's how:
* Pray for Davidson Academy and how you can best support the school.
* Consider a gift. Your donation along with the gifts of others
will strengthen the school.
* Volunteer to help us accomplish great things through the Davidson Academy Fund Campaign! Volunteer responsibilities may include making telephone calls, writing short follow-up letters, or joining staff in making personal visits
to corporations and foundations.
Why volunteer to work with the Davidson Academy Fund Campaign?
* To show your support for a school you care about.
* To get better acquainted with other Davidson Academy parents.
* To experience the pride of reaching an important goal.
* To enhance the quality of a Davidson Academy education.
* To ensure a bright future for our school and our students.
If I volunteer, how will I know what to do?
All volunteers will be trained for their specific tasks and will work in conjunction with Davidson Academy Advancement Office staff members.

Chris Vetetoe
Director of Advancement &
Community Outreach