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Variable Tuition FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Think you can’t afford a high quality, Christian education?  Think again!

Davidson Academy proudly offers Variable Tuition. Tuition at DA is not a “one-size-fits-all.” It’s a range that matches your family's unique financial position.


Variable Tuition applications for 2018-2019 open February 26, 2018.

Variable Tuition think again FAQ
General FAQ


Variable Tuition

What is Variable Tuition

Variable Tuition is a needs-based tuition assistance program similar to those used by many private schools, colleges, and universities. This program allows families to apply for reduced tuition that fits their family’s financial situation. Thus, this makes a DA education affordable to many qualified students who could not otherwise join our school community.

vt work

How does Variable Tuition work?

Any family, current or new, of a K3 through twelfth-grade student may apply for Variable Tuition if they are concerned about affording the full tuition rate at Davidson Academy. Many factors are considered when determining the tuition amount a family is able to pay, including income, assets, unusual expenses, family size, etc. 


An application for Variable Tuition does not affect the re-enrollment or admission process. Regardless of financial need, parents should initiate the re-enrollment or admission process as early as possible


Families may apply for Variable Tuition right away. Once our confidential, third-party administrator - SMART AID - notifies us whether you qualify or not, we will notify you immediately. However, we cannot fully confirm the award amount until the school application is completed and your student is accepted.


It is not possible for a family or the school to estimate the tuition level for which a family qualifies without the completion of a Variable Tuition application. The application is submitted directly to SMART AID and includes a submission of your latest tax return. SMART AID evaluates the application based on criteria set by the school and makes a recommendation to the school’s Variable Tuition team. Families are notified of the tuition level for which they qualify from the school’s admission office.  Unfortunately, the school is not able to provide Variable Tuition to every deserving student. We work with the available resources to make the school accessible to as many students and families as possible.

Do I need to apply to Davidson Academy to receive confirmation of my Variable Tuition "amount" 

Yes. Once you have completed the school application process, we can confirm the Variable Tuition amount for which you qualify. 

What if I haven't yet filed my tax return for last year? May I submit my return for the previous year? 

Yes, you may submit your last tax return. However, when your most current tax return is complete, submit those documents to SMART AID and they will update your current information. 

Upon completion of my Variable Tuition application, when will I receive confirmation of my Variable Tuition

Typically, you will be notified within two weeks of providing all required information to our confidential third-party service and upon the completion of all steps in the (school) admission process.

Prospective parents

Prospective Parents

Should every new DA family submit an application for Variable Tuition

No. Only families who feel that Variable Tuition is needed for them to afford a high quality, Christian education should submit an application.

Do I need to apply for Variable Tuition every year?

Yes, a new application must be submitted every year

If I do not qualify for the program this year, may I apply again next year?

Yes. A family who does not qualify is welcome to reapply the following year.

Do I need to apply for admission separately from applying for Variable Tuition?

Yes. For new students, application to Davidson Academy and application for Variable Tuition are two separate processes. However, new families may complete both application processes simultaneously.

If I am eligible, am I assured enrollment?

All new students must meet conduct and academic standards for admission. Each applicant must go through the application process and testing. Admission standards will be the same for all students, regardless of the Variable Tuition process.

Will applying for Variable Tuition hurt my student’s chance of being admitted to the school?

No. Admission applications and Variable Tuition applications are evaluated separately, and an application for Variable Tuition has no bearing on the admission process.

What kind of economic situation is typical of a family who qualifies for Variable Tuition?

A wide range of families with a variety of circumstances qualify for the program, from those who are able to pay close to full tuition to those who have a demonstrated need.  Many factors are evaluated, including: income, assets, unusual expenses, family size, etc.

Are some families awarded full tuition?

No. Every family is required to make a financial investment in their child’s education. Our commitment to providing Variable Tuition means that we are sharing in that investment with you.

Are all admitted students offered Variable Tuition if the family qualifies?

No. Unfortunately, the school does not have the ability to offer Variable Tuition to every student who qualifies for both admission and Variable Tuition. A student may be admitted to the school but placed on a waiting list. It is recommended that families apply for Variable Tuition as early as possible.

What expenses are there other than tuition?

Even with reduced tuition, families will still be responsible to pay the $75 per student application fee for admission (waived for any family who makes an on-campus visit). Each student also incurs expenses, such as: device lease, school lunch (if the student eats at school), some optional extracurricular activities, basic school supplies, uniforms, and transportation and extended care/programs, if applicable.

Does DA give Variable Tuition to athletes?

Davidson Academy does not single out any particular group. Everyone is afforded the same opportunity to apply for and potentially receive Variable Tuition. Acceptance goes through a third party and their recommendation guides our Variable Tuition process. That process is need-blind, meaning it uses only the information provided in the application for Variable Tuition to determine a qualifying amount. 

Will Variable Tuition lead to larger classes?

No. Davidson Academy has established maximum class sizes. Within those limits, we will continue to accept qualified, mission-appropriate students. If we get more students at a grade level than our ratio allows, we will start a waiting list and may open additional sections. However, we will not overfill classrooms to the detriment of instruction.

What if I haven't yet filed my tax return for last year? May I submit my return for the previous year? 

Yes, you may submit your last tax return. However, when your most current tax return is complete, submit those documents to SMART AID and they will update your information. 

Who should I contact with questions about Variable Tuition?

Call Jason McGehee, Director of Admission, at (615) 860-5317, or email him at:

Current Parents FAQ

Current Parents

Is DA giving away tuition and “bending over backwards” to boost enrollment?

We do have space in some classrooms and grades, but only students who fit our enrollment requirements will be considered. Potential students must still meet our behavioral and academic standards to be admitted.

Should every returning DA family submit an application for Variable Tuition?

No. Only families who feel that they may not be able to afford a high quality, Christian education should submit an application.

Do I need to apply for Variable Tuition every year?

Yes, a new application must be submitted every year.

If I do not qualify for the program this year, may I apply again next year?

Yes. A family who does not qualify is welcome to reapply the following year.

My student is currently receiving financial aid. How does this work for Variable Tuition?

DA no longer provides financial aid. Variable Tuition replaces the financial aid program.

Do returning students receive priority over new students when applying for Variable Tuition?

Yes. Re-enrolling DA students who submit an application by the published deadline will receive priority consideration. Click here to see the re-enrollment deadlines.

Do I need to apply for re-enrollment separately from applying for Variable Tuition?

Yes, the processes are separate, but can be done simultanesouly. Qualification for Variable Tuition can be confirmed immediately. However, the qualifying amount will be awarded upon completion of the re-enrollment application. 

What kind of economic situation is typical of a family who qualifies for Variable Tuition?

A wide range of families with a variety of circumstances qualify for the program. Many factors are evaluated, including: income, assets, unusual expenses, family size, etc. Our goal is to make a high quality, Christian education affordable to as many mission-appropriate families as possible. 

Are some families awarded full tuition?

No. Every family is required to make a financial investment in their child’s education. Our commitment to providing Variable Tuition means that we are sharing in that investment with you.

Will Variable Tuition lead to larger classes and lower levels of instruction?

No. DA has established preferred maximum class sizes. Within those limits, we will continue to accept qualified, mission-appropriate students. If we get more students at a grade level than our preferred ratio allows, we will start a waiting list and may open an additional section. We are committed to not overfill classrooms to the detriment of instruction.

What if I haven't yet filed my tax return for last year? May I submit my return for the previous year? 

Yes, you may submit your last tax return. However, when your most current tax return is complete, submit those documents to SMART AID and they will update your current information. 

I see that the Variable Tuition may be awarded in conjunction with other discounts. How does that work? 

If a family qualifies for one of our discount programs (multi-child, alumni, etc..) and Variable Tuition then they will be awarded no more than their highest qualifying amount. Multiple discounts may be combined to reach the highest qualifying amount. 

Who should I contact with questions about Variable Tuition?

Call Jason McGehee, Director of Admission, at (615) 860-5317, or email him at:

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