The school year holds great promise. Davidson Academy is God’s school. We strive every day to become the school that He intends for us to be. It’s your partnership with us that
allows us to become that school today, tomorrow, and for years to come.
DA has improved and made tremendous gains. New student enrollment, retention, academic program offerings, extracurricular program participation—all are increasing. God’s grace is evident, and we are grateful. The foundation is set for many years of growth and opportunity
to maximize the talents and gifts of the students we serve.
What do you depend on from Davidson Academy?
As a parent or a grandparent, you depend on DA for highly qualified teachers who are passionate and willing to invest themselves into your child. You depend on us to uphold the Christian faith, values, ministry, and service in the name of Jesus Christ. You depend on us to
fulfill our mission of “preparing students for college, life, and eternity.”
For alumni and our community supporters, you depend on us to continue your legacy and our historical reputation, respectively, of being a strong institution
and positive influence in our community.
What does DA depend on from you?
As a school, we depend on parents and grandparents to choose and commit to our school as their partner in educating and nurturing their most valued treasure…their child. Volunteers are essential in supporting our classrooms, athletics and performing arts,
field trips, and many other aspects of our school.
What is the DA Fund?
When you give to the DA Fund you impact every student, every teacher, every day. The DA Fund ensures our school has all the necessary resources to provide the exceptional education you expect. From technology to curriculum, security to salaries, preserving and enhancing our property and facilities, every dollar of your tax-deductible gift is put to its best use.
It’ is your commitment and participation as a stakeholder that supports our programs, activities, and campus enhancements that provide our students
with a rich educational experience, both now and for many years to come.
“But one thing I do: Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward (ONWARD) to what lies ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call (UPWARD) in Christ Jesus.-- Philippians 3:13b-14