Preschool Curriculum

Pre-kindergarten at Davidson provides a foundation of social and academic skills with curriculum designed to spark children’s natural curiosity and fuel a lifelong love of learning.
Our preschool programs focus on the development of social skills and character building. Children at this age are learning to communicate orally and to interact in a group setting with other children. They also learn obedience, respect for authority, and self-discipline in a structured setting of rules and guidance from teachers. The school day also includes a strong faith element, with daily Bible lessons and weekly chapel sharing God’s love and teaching Christian values.
Even before they can read and write, children are learning how to learn and growing aware of the world around them. Our goal is to create an environment of interactive experiences that inspire children to take interest in their surroundings. Early exposure to basic concepts of language, math, science, and social studies can shape a child’s outlook on learning and lay the foundation for a lifetime of academic success.
K3 Curriculum
K3 students come five days a week and are taught by a full-time, certified teacher endorsed in early childhood dvelopment. She has a full-time teacher's assistant. The program is considered part of our Extended Programs.
All children must be completely potty-trained,
For the academic year of 2015-16, children must be three (3) years of age by August 15, 2015, for K3; four (4) years of age by August 15, 2015, for K4; and, five (5) years of age by August 15, 2015, for Kindergarten (also known as K5)
An acceptable profile of the applicant's caregiver must be received,
Literacy and Language
Pre-kindergarten’s focus is on the development of social skills. Through expressive and receptive language skills we learn to communicate orally. Print and book awareness, visual discrimination, phonemic awareness, and listening comprehension encourage the development. Daily activities include introduction and review of sounds, letter recognition, language, and vocabulary. Through songs, finger plays, media technology, books, visual aids, and manipulatives we encourage a love of language and reading. Readiness for reading is developed and practiced.
Children are eager to explore and learn. This eagerness is supported by applying math concepts in a hands-on and experiential approach. Development of number concepts is expanded through counting skills, numeral recognition, one-to-one correspondence, and comparison. Children learn to sort, classify, graph, and recognize and extend patterns. Experiences with measurement and addition and subtraction principles also are included.
Social Studies
Children begin to understand the relationship of self and place in the family, community, and world. Historical events and figures are introduced and explored. An awareness of world cultures is developed through music, stories, and guests. Celebrations of important holidays are a fun part of our learning and growing.
We seek to promote a feeling of self -worth, positive social behaviors, and healthy living. Hygiene and cleanliness are emphasized, as well as the encouragement of hand washing and safe play.
Through observation, comparisons, sorting, organizing, predicting, and experimentation we develop an awareness of the earth God created and of our environment. Our program builds on the natural curiosity of children with additional outside experiences and guests. Opportunities for exploration outdoors are an extension of learning.
Children learn to value God and the Bible and its teachings. Through daily Bible lessons and weekly chapel, children learn Bible characters, positive character traits, songs, and life lessons.
Motor Skills
Fine--Children learn to use a variety of tools for drawing, cutting, painting, and creating. Small muscle development and coordination of eye/hand movement are developed, practiced, and solidified.
Gross--Children’s muscle development and coordination are enhanced through a variety of activities including catching, agility skills, and motor games. Children begin to learn the nature of rules, taking turns, and cooperation as well as a sense of fairness. Some equipment includes: balls, trikes, parachutes, cones, balance beams, swings, slides, and climbing apparatus.
Children learn how to make choices, work in a group, cooperate, and communicate with friends. Each child gains some sense of responsibility for their actions as they are guided daily by rules and teachers. A respect for authority figures and others evolves with a knowledge of ethical behavior.
K4 Curriculum
Literacy and Language
Pre-kindergarten’s focus is on the development of social skills. Through expressive and receptive language skills we learn to communicate orally. Print and book awareness, visual discrimination, phonemic awareness, and listening comprehension encourage the development. Daily activities include introduction and review of sounds, letter recognition, language, and vocabulary. Through songs, finger plays, media technology, books, visual aids, and manipulatives we encourage a love of language and reading. Children are introduced to 40 pre-primer Dolch sight words as the year progresses. Readiness for reading is developed
and practiced.
Children are eager to explore and learn. This eagerness is supported by applying math concepts in a hands-on and experiential approach. Development of number concepts is expanded through counting skills, numeral recognition, one-to-one correspondence, and comparison. Children learn to sort, classify, graph, and recognize and extend patterns. Experiences with measurement and addition and subtraction principles also are included.
Social Studies
Children begin to understand the relationship of self and place in the family, community, and world. Historical events and figures are introduced and explored. An awareness of world cultures is developed through music, stories, and guests. Celebrations of important holidays are a fun part of our learning and growing.
We seek to promote a feeling of self -worth, positive social behaviors, and healthy living. Hygiene and cleanliness are emphasized, as well as the encouragement of hand washing and safe play.
Through observation, comparisons, sorting, organizing, predicting, and experimentation we develop an awareness of the earth God created and of our environment. Our program builds on the natural curiosity of children with additional outside experiences and guests. Opportunities for exploration outdoors are an extension of learning.
Children learn to value God and the Bible and its teachings. Through daily Bible lessons and weekly chapel, children learn Bible characters, positive character traits, songs, and life lessons.
Motor Skills
Fine--Children learn to use a variety of tools for drawing, cutting, painting, and creating. Small muscle development and coordination of eye/hand movement are developed, practiced, and solidified.
Gross--Children’s muscle development and coordination are enhanced through a variety of activities including catching, agility skills, and motor games. Children begin to learn the nature of rules, taking turns, and cooperation as well as a sense of fairness. Some equipment includes: balls, trikes, parachutes, cones, balance beams, swings, slides, and climbing apparatus.
Children learn how to make choices, work in a group, cooperate, and communicate with friends. Each child gains some sense of responsibility for their actions as they are guided daily by rules and teachers. A respect for authority figures and others evolves with a knowledge of ethical behavior.
Kindergarten Curriculum
Kindergarten pours the foundational footings for a child’s school life. It is here that children develop trust in teachers and the ability to interact positively in a group. They build foundations in literacy and math skills, organizational skills, perseverance, decision making, observation and communication, both fine and large motor skills and coordination, and healthy eating and wellness habits. At Davidson Academy, we are committed to providing a loving and nurturing environment where children learn confidence and curiosity, growing in knowledge and in character.
Language / Literacy
Students focus on: phonics, sight words, comprehension, fluency, basic grammatical mechanics, and writing. Students learn through teacher led instruction, student interaction, and hands-on manipulation via centers and iPads. The objective of the K5 language program is to build readers with a strong decoding and sight-word base, as well as molding readers that question, predict, and re-tell the text read. All five of these focuses come together and are interrelated throughout the kindergarten year. Our mission is for students to have a strong foundation upon which the future grades can build as they become fluent readers who are able to comprehend what they read and express themselves in both oral and written formats.
Children are taught using a variety of fun and engaging methods, such as hands-on manipulatives, experiments, songs, games, and iPads. Students receive instruction on basic counting skills, including skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s, numeral recognition, and one-to-one correspondence. Children learn to graph, read and extend patterns, identify coins and their values, and tell time to the hour. Students also learn to add single digits and they develop and understanding of subtraction.
Social Studies
Students begin the year by recognizing their roles and responsibilities of being a good citizen. Social studies instruction is developed further through a “Hero of the Week” program, featuring historical figures who have had a positive influence on our world. Students also receive instructions on noted groups, such as: Native Americans, famous African Americans, famous authors, artists, and inventors. The objective is to teach the children a strong awareness of community and people who have made a positive impact on society. The information is presented through stories, movies, and hands-on manipulation via centers and creative art projects. The hope is to help build a foundation of their love and reverence for God, His people, and His world, that they would strive to be citizens of strong moral character who make a difference in our world.
Children learn science concepts using a variety of multisensory methods, such as hands-on experiments, observations, and iPads. Our program integrates reading and math skills through thematic units, which include: the five senses, plants, weather, insects, spiders, and animals. Students gain an awareness and appreciation of the world God created.
Physical Education
Students work on fundamentals of many sports appropriate for their age level, as well as fine motor skills and balancing. During the spring semester on Wednesdays, students participate in DA Runners and learn the basics of running as a healthy exercise program. They log 25 miles in class leading up to the ING Kids Rock Marathon in April, then run the final mile at LP Field during the weekend of the Country Music Marathon.