Elementary Curriculum
Grades 4-6

Grade 4
Connections between art history and different cultures with art making are made. Whether it is through painting, drawing, printmaking or clay, students are engaged in executing their knowledge of the elements of art through the principles of design.
Friendship and assertiveness skills, bullying prevention, communication, and problem solving are main topics.
Curriculum provides the grammar fundamentals every student should know with continuous review of the skills learned. It has a strong focus on improving student writing with opportunities for listening, speaking, viewing, and representing published works. Writing rubrics, peer- and self-assessment involves the student at every step of the writing process. Spelling curriculum challenges students to learn valuable spelling patterns and strategies which allows them to retain and transfer spelling knowledge for success in reading, writing, and test taking. Vocabulary word skills introduces students to English words derived from common Latin and Greek stems and gives students practice with words found in a variety of text and standardized testing. Reading curriculum delivers research-based instruction on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and text comprehension. Supplemental reading of novels is added to allow students to explore a variety of genres and create a love for reading in addition to applying specific reading strategies.
Fourth graders are expected to know basic facts in all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Problems for computation at the beginning of each class provide practice for vital skills needed on a continual basis throughout the school year. Curriculum provides the opportunities for students to apply learned skills both in and out of the classroom, including: place value; data analysis and probability; elapsed time; customary measurement; graphs; multiplication; long division; fractions; decimals; and theoretical word problems that engage much needed critical thinking.
Physical Education
All sports, cooperative games, fine motor skills, and rhythm through dance are taught. Students have the opportunity to grow skills that were introduced in lower grades. Students participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness evaluation.
Curriculum is in three sections: life science, the study of living things such as cells, organisms, plants, and animals (with and without backbones); earth science, learning from rocks, fossils, soil, and the solar system; and physical science, the study of properties and states of matter with physical and chemical changes, as well as motion, forces, and energy (along with heat, light, sound, and electricity). Students observe, infer, classify, and interpret data throughout all sections of the curriculum.
Students use technology to create projects in the target language and learn about famous Latinos during Hispanic Heritage Month. Students use iPads to work on Keynote and Pages and create projects that improve their communication skills and enhance their understanding. Age- appropriate praise songs, prayers, and Bible verses are taught throughout the academic year.
Students learn to use their individual iPad effectively for completing assignments, including obtaining digital assignments from eBackpack, completing in Notability, and submitting the assignment in eBackpack. They also learn to use the iPad for research, creative projects, and presentations. Fourth graders also continue to develop keyboarding skills as they practice skills in Type to Learn. They also will develop skills in productivity software as they complete projects in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. One such annual project, the Tennessee Project, integrates many technology skills in completing the project. During the digital citizenship unit students will learn about internet safety, technology ethics, and responsible use of digital information.
Grade 5
Students learn to develop long-term artistic goals that encourage the evolution of ideas. Graphic arts, printmaking, and color theory in painting are further examined through art history lessons and art making.
A variety of topics are covered, including: awareness of learning styles and strengths, communication, problem-solving skills, bullying and cyber bullying prevention, and drug abuse prevention.
Both Grades 5 and 6 offer a balanced approach to: reading, grammar, writing, spelling, and vocabulary. Reading instruction includes class novel studies, independent reading, and student-led literature circles. Students continue in the fundamentals of grammar and the principal rules and mechanics of the English language. There is a focus on improving student writing through emphasis on organization, revision, and the development of techniques, such as elaboration, word choice, and sentence fluency. Spelling instruction helps students learn valuable spelling patterns and strategies and transfer their spelling knowledge for success in reading and writing. The vocabulary curriculum is designed to promote vocabulary acquisition, improve reading comprehension, and support students’ writing and speaking, as well as learning in the content areas.
Computational fluency with whole numbers and decimals is a major focus. There is also a great deal of emphasis placed on fractions, percentages, and geometry. Working with integers and solving algebraic equations are introduced in this curriculum. Students also engage themselves in daily problem-solving activities with the focus being on retention of skills,as well as life application.
Physical Education
Team games as well as team building help enhance the students overall understanding of physical education. Students continue to grow and develop skills learned in early grades. By grade 5, students should have mastered catching and throwing. Ability and skills are evaluated on each sport and activity. The Presidential Physical Fitness test is given to determine fitness level.
We begin with the study of earth, including detailed lessons on weather and climate, followed by a more detailed study of the properties of matter and energy. Lastly, students advance their study of plants, animals, and the interactions of living things. Students also participate in a class project, guided through the steps of the scientific method from research to drawing conclusions. This allows students to develop and use the scientific thought process, enhancing their ability to solve problems in creative and unique ways.
Projects like “Our Spanish Speaking Neighbors” are created on the students’ iPads, and are designed to enrich the cultural side of the fifth-grade curriculum. Students work on increasing the skill of communicating in the target language. Age-appropriate praise songs, prayers, and Bible verses are taught throughout the academic year.
Students continue to develop skills in effective use of their iPad for completing assignments and research. Students become more independent users of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for class projects. Students complete a Science Fair project using PowerPoint that includes charts, tables, photographs, and video. They also advance in their keyboarding skills as they review skills and put keyboarding into practice complete assignments on the computer. Students learn to become good digital citizens as they discuss ethics, responsibility, safety, and evaluation of digital information.
Grade 6
Students begin to understand how brain function affects their creative and analytical skills. Students make connections how events in history have played a role in art making over time. By sixth grade, students have an understanding of techniques used through clay construction, printmaking, tempera painting, and using the elements of art and principles of design to achieve a successful composition.
Focus is on: positive peer relationships, cyber bullying, knowledge of learning styles/differences, strategies for success, drug abuse prevention, and study skills. Discussion on college and career exploration begins.
Both Grades 5 and 6 offer a balanced approach to: reading, grammar, writing, spelling, and vocabulary. Reading instruction includes class novel studies, independent reading, and student-led literature circles. Students continue in the fundamentals of grammar and the principal rules and mechanics of the English language. There is a focus on improving student writing through emphasis on organization, revision, and the development of techniques, such as elaboration, word choice, and sentence fluency. Spelling instruction helps students learn valuable spelling patterns and strategies and transfer their spelling knowledge for success in reading and writing. The vocabulary curriculum is designed to promote vocabulary acquisition, improve reading comprehension, and support students’ writing and speaking, as well as learning in the content areas.
Students become proficient in all four operations with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Students begin to solve problems with integers using the four operations. Word problems become more complex containing multi-step and complicated real-life examples. Geometry skills include two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures, including the use of formulas. Students solve algebraic equations using rules and properties. Spiral review of previously introduced and tested skills is part of our daily routine.
Advanced sixth-grade math consists of all of the above, with an emphasis on algebraic methods of problem-solving. Fraction and decimal problems contain both negative and positive numbers. Students in advanced math focus on estimation, mental math, and problem-solving using ratios and percent.
Physical Education
Students enhance motor skills through cooperative sports/games. Sports include:football, basketball, badminton, and soccer. Students learn even more about details in anatomy and are tested. Dance is a fun part of the curriculum and concludes with a voluntary dance competition.
Students continue to build on previous knowledge and skills. Areas of special study and research are: plate tectonics; astronomy with interactive Solar System Rescue TM; motion, work, and simple machines; anatomy, including precipitating their own DNA; chemistry. Each unit includes cooperative learning, experiments, varied assessments, and use of technology.
Students work on projects using iPads. IMovie projects will reinforce the target language skills. Students learn about pre-Hispanic cultures as part of the enrichment program. Age-appropriate praise songs, prayers, and Bible verses are taught throughout the academic year.
Students use their iPads to complete classroom assignments. On the iPad they use photography and movie making for academic projects. By sixth grade, students are expected to be able to complete high quality work on the computer with self-correction of their work. An annual project that combines the use of a number of technology skills is the Social Studies Fair project. Students research a selected country on the internet, create spreadsheets and charts to report data collection, use Microsoft Word to write reports, and use Microsoft Publisher to create a travel brochure about that country. There is a strong emphasis on digital citizenship and responsibility. Ethical behavior when online is stressed, and case studies are a basic for discussion.